Polish hotels introduce digitalization

The roll out of the V-Desk system in Soltex Group

The roll out of the V-Desk System included Holiday Park&Resort and Holiday Park&Gastronomia. This thriving network of luxurious acommodations in the Polish coast makes the largest base offered for tourism.

The company began working with the V-Desk system last year and now is conducting the roll out on other companies. The main goal of the cooperation was the optimization of invoice managament process and expansion of the correspondance register with its workflow.

Before digital platform

The fact of being a multicompany organization with dispersed character was the reason documents were not always in the expected place while their processing and decretations extended in time. Now, the system supports this area with the usage of OCR mechanism, an intelligent automated invoice reading of data. Within the system now, the documents are directed to the right place where the authorised person takes accountability for the task.

Beneficiall changes

Digital system has eliminated the neccessity to process paper documents, optimised and supported workflow of invocies and coresspondence documents.